Cesta (DTC)

Technical Club From Delhi Technical Campus!

The modern updated club for Developers
A club which will try to train your technical side of the coding.
We are Cesta there are our super powers!

To know what we provide or how we manage to create events and provide opportunities to all the students who are willing to study. Join our discord, link in footer.

CESTA, Computer Technical Society functions under the Computer Science and Engineering Department. This society runs by the students under the guidance of faculty and technical society heads.

About Us

Core Team Members Name :

1.Shivansh Saxena - President
2.Pragya Bharti - Vice President
3.Nishant Bharti - General Secretary
4.Kartick Chauhaan - Vice General Secretary
5.Arpit Kumar Singh - Secretary
6.Hitesh Bardia - Treasurer
7.Shagun Srivastava - Event Coordinator
8.Agrim Kulshrestha - Event Coordinator

Objectives And Memberships :

• To provide a platform where students can case their technical, leadership and communication skills.
• To promote their technical skills related to latest technology. • To provide a competitive environment among the students.
• To facilitate the environment for innovative ideas.
• To build the Practical Approach among the students.

• Membership of CESTA is open to all students of DTC.
• All the members are involved in developing society purposes.
• The officers shall be President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Vice-General Secretary, Secretary and Treasurer.
• Officers are elected through the elections.
• Nominations will be filled before the elections.

Who Manages CESTA? :

Cesta is managed by some of the greatest student in the history of DTC. They have bone chilling skills which they showcase when they need.

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